Thoughts on Science
Musings from Harry's Desk

A New Dawn
This is a cell from a young mouse, spreading on a glass slide and observed by fluorescence microscopy at 630 times magnification. It is very small. Its diameter is perhaps 20 micrometers, or about 0.0008 inches. If you can't picture that, think about taking an inch and splitting it into two equal pieces, then keep doing that 9 more times. It's small. Superman would have trouble seeing this. Yet, there's a whole world inside.

Listening to Nature
Remembering John A. Glomset (1928-2015)
"Nature is trying to tell us something. In fact, she's screaming in our ears. If we would only listen…"
These words, spoken by John at a small and long-forgotten seminar, have stuck with me ever since, have influenced my scientific life profoundly, and I believe succinctly sum up John's scientific philosophy.

Crumpled Dreams
An art-in-science project